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Custom 404 errors

You can upload your own 404 error movie. This movie will be displayed when the asset is not available, the livestream is unknown (or has not been fully created yet) or when GeoLocking is active for the viewer. To upload your own 404-videos, do the following:

  • Log in with FTP (please see Uploading new VOD assets for more information)
  • Create a new folder in the Streaming root and the wwwroot called: 'custom_error'

Your directory tree will then look like this:


You can not rename the file once it is on the ftp server, do this beforehand.

Now transfer the file into both of the created folders: /custom_error And /wwwroot/custom_error

In most cases you only need to upload one 404 error movie. With the name VDO-X-404.mp4. The movie should be encoded with h264/aac. See Appendix J: Recommended encoding settings for more information, You need to upload this file to both custom_errors folders.

If you want to be sure that every device and delivery service gets your custom 404 movie you should also upload the following error movies:

VDO-X-404.mp4Needed for Wowza. Used for RTMP/HLS/HDS/MPEG-DASH
VDO-X-404.3gpNeeded for RTSP
VDO-X-404.ism VDO-X-404.ismc VDO-X-404.ismvNeeded for Microsoft Smooth Streaming
VDO-X.mp3Needed for mp3 audio files.
VDO-X-404.aac VDO-X-404.m4aNeeded for aac audio files.
VDO-X-404.wmvNeeded for Windows Media.
VDO-X-404.mkvNeeded for mkv files.
VDO-X-404.oggNeeded for ogg files.
VDO-X-404.webmNeeded for webm files.